Pratransit software tips

A lot of software are distributed as commercial. Such software are usually sold in brightly decorated boxes containing CDs or floppy disks, documentation and registration card.

And this is on every computer you need to buy! What do you think, why Bill Gates, CEO Microsoft - the richest man in the world?

So can manage unlicensed software? - Do not be. RF Law “On Legal Protection of computers and databases” back in September 1992, was adopted.

But to the choice of software should be treated even more carefully than to the choice of the computer. Why, for example, to buy 20 boxes (the number of computers) with MS Office'om if much cheaper to buy one box (disc then only one is needed, and documentation will suffice), and the rest - the license (ie the right to use programs). In addition, there is a flexible system of discounts, various benefits, etc. Without specialists you can not do!

Viruses and anti-virus software

So, did you realize that without the software - anywhere! But there is a program, without which you can live a very, and that they too are distributed free of charge. This, of course, the so-called computer viruses.

Viruses - a malicious program that can mess things up a lot of trouble - spoil your information, send e-mails without permission … and even damage your computer! Their main feature is that they can self-replicate and multiply, hence its name - viruses. Just like real viruses are difficult to notice, sometimes you learn about this when the computer is already infected.

They can get into your computer via floppy disk, network, over the Internet. When an infected program or file, there is a risk of infection and damage to all the information on your computer. The number of the currently known viruses in the tens of thousands. To combat viruses use special software - antivirus (but it is not free, but not expensive). For proper selection and application of anti-virus software is required to check with the experts.


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